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Legacy of Kain Blood Omen Comics è un progetto nato nel 2008, a opera di Salvatore Liccardo e Davide Del Vasto, come adattamento a fumetti della saga di videogame fantasy/horror Legacy of Kain della Crystal Dynamics.


Legacy of Kain Blood Omen Comics is a project born in 2008, by Salvatore Liccardo and Davide Del Vasto, as a comic book adaptation of the saga of video game fantasy / horror Legacy of Kain of Crystal Dynamics.

Legacy of kain comics is a non-profit fan comic created in 2008 by Salvatore Liccardo and Davide Del Vasto, who took care of the adaptation and graphic design.

The story, the "Legacy of Kain" and "Blood Omen" logos belong to their respective owners.

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